What to do with helix tv and helix-fi equipment??

Daddy1988 Posts: 5 ✭✭

Hi everyone,

I have cancelled my subscription from Vidéotron but now I have both equipments and I don't know what to do with. Right now I'm only subscribed to fizz internet, is there any tricks you can use helix tv equipment to continue watching tv (free channels at least) even if I'm not subscribed anymore??


Best Answer

  • Doomdrou
    Doomdrou Posts: 1,386 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Do you own your Helix equipment? If it is the case, you can sell it on Kijiji, Marketplace or eBay.

    If not, call Videotron and ask them for a return box. They will send it to you in the next weeks and then you can return it by mail or give it back to a Videotron store.


  • Fling
    Fling Posts: 9,258 ✭✭

    Hi Daddy,

    If you can and if everybody can after unsuscribed, Vidéotron will go bankrupt

  • Mataze
    Mataze Posts: 2,070 ✭✭

    The question is : do you own Helix videotron equipments ? Did you pay for it or it was under location ? If you rented them, you need to send them back to videotron.

    I don.t think that there is anything you can do with Fizz equipment and setup.

  • Daddy1988
    Daddy1988 Posts: 5 ✭✭

    I own the equipment, I thought I can watch some basic free tv with the helix tv terminal

  • FizzyBubblech
    FizzyBubblech Posts: 39 ✭✭

    Try selling it but there’s a lot of them out there

  • yoddie
    yoddie Posts: 79 ✭✭

    Sell it on Kijiji :)

  • Emporium
    Emporium Posts: 2,305 ✭✭

    Selling on Kijiji is your best option.

    You can probably use a splitter and run a coax to the Fizz modem and Helix box if there are any free channels, other than preview stuff. Similar to what you used to be able to do when they had analog cable on the line also.

    But it is an expensive box when you can get more channels with a cheap antenna.

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