Will the referral bonus work if I change my plan?

Mander Posts: 2 ✭✭


my friend invited me to Fizz and now I paid for my second month, so I got a notification that I will receive 50$ bonus my next cycle. However, since I ran out of data this month, I'd like to upgrade to a plan with more data for the future.

If I change my plan (more data) before the next billing day, how much and when will I pay? Does the bonus still apply? Should I wait with the change to the billing day or can I just change any time?

The 50$ is a nice option and I don't want to lose it, it would come handy when upgrading to a better plan.

Best Answer

  • PF_Ref_D2U9A
    PF_Ref_D2U9A Posts: 6,448 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi Mander

    You can make a plan change any time (as long it is requested at least 48 hours before your renewal date). The change will take effect at your next renewal. Since your referral credit is already unlocked, the amount will be applied to the next payment of your plan. You won't lose it even if you upgrade your plan.


  • MyriamC
    MyriamC Posts: 922 ✭✭

    You won't lose your referral, it will be applied on your invoice until the referal is depleted

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