Do fizz internet disruptions affect Videotron users too?

Manny L.
Manny L. Posts: 99 ✭✭

Since fizz internet has been cutting out recently, and since fizz uses Videotron lines, I was wondering if Videotron internet users experience outages at the same time as us?

Best Answer

  • Emporium
    Emporium Posts: 2,303 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Videotron outages will typically affect all 3rd party ISP using videotron network.

    HOWEVER, it is not always true that 3rd party ISP outages are related to videotron network.

    Fizz, belonging to Videotron, may use the same infrastructure, so not sure how separate the 2 networks are, but for other 3rd party ISP, you are also dependant on their data centers, since your traffic will flow their equipment.


  • MyriamC
    MyriamC Posts: 920 ✭✭

    OUi je confirme. Fizz utilise le réseau de Videotron. Fizz et Videotron, c'est la meme compagnie donc ils sont en panne en meme temps.

  • MyriamC
    MyriamC Posts: 920 ✭✭

    Yes Fizz and Videotron are the same companies. Fizz is using Videotron'S Network

  • Dapfizzer
    Dapfizzer Posts: 10,182 ✭✭
    edited September 2021

    @Manny L.

    Hi Manny,

    I think so 'cuz as you said, it's on the same lines... It's Vidéotron network for both.

  • MyriamC
    MyriamC Posts: 920 ✭✭

    The main difference between Fizz and Videotron is you can contact Fizz by chat only, no phone

  • Dapfizzer
    Dapfizzer Posts: 10,182 ✭✭

    @Manny L. @MyriamC

    And the biggest irony would be that it’s still somehow the same company under different names...

  • Emporium
    Emporium Posts: 2,303 ✭✭

    And just to get an idea, here is Videotron's twitter post from Sept 2 (the latest large outage which occured and affected many users):

    Even videotron took nearly 3 hours to notify it's users.

  • vanigh
    vanigh Posts: 328 ✭✭

    Any Internet provider in Quebec that uses Videotron network system will be effected when it goes down.

    Usually it's local blackout that lasts a short time, but could be annoying if you depend on it, like school work or working from home/business.

  • fil987
    fil987 Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Agreed with others, I lost internet for a brief moment during last Vidéotron outage.

  • MyriamC
    MyriamC Posts: 920 ✭✭

    Me too

  • Manny L.
    Manny L. Posts: 99 ✭✭

    Hi Guys,

    I can confirm that at least in my building and neighborhood, videotron does not get the same interruptions as fizz. My downstairs neighbor has videotron and her internet works everytime mine goes down, and she almost never has interruptions.

    How can fizz internet be so unreliable if it's the same company as videotron?

    When will the interruptions end in parc ex?

    Why is the chat bubble invisible, Fizz, help!