Delivery person did not deliver

Hana Posts: 4 ✭✭

Today, we had a delivery appointment set up for our Internet box. it was not an installation, rather just a drop off. The delivery person called once, we missed the phone call by 10 minutes. We called back as soon as we noticed, he said he cancelled the installation (when we checked online, it would not let us create a new appointment, thus lie #1). He said he called multiple times (he did not, phone records show he phoned once, lie #2). He said he rung the buzzer for the apartment, the apartment does not have a buzzer (lie #3). We are hoping to schedule a new appointment ASAP and upon phoning the delivery person, we were told only to message into the forums, and no other further information. Any help would be appreciated.


  • Emporium
    Emporium Posts: 2,305 ✭✭

    You can follow the instructions in this article to reschedule:

    I do believe however that you need to wait 24hr to be able to reschedule a missed appointment.

    And for your information, it is typically NOT just a drop-off. They will come insde to also measure the signal on the coax line, they will then scan the modem box, and send the signal to Fizz/Videotron to activate it. They will then hand you the modem for self install if all is good. It is at most a 5 minute visit if you already have a videotron coax line installed.

    For Self install, be patient. Plug the modem coax and power. Give it about 15 minutes to get provisioned (you will know it got provisioned, since Fizz will send you an email once it is activated and shortly after you will start to see the second and 3rd lights from the top go blue). Once that happens, GIVE it another good 30 minutes.. It will download internal firmware updates and reboot itself a few times. After those 30 minutes, you should be good to go with the 2nd and 3rd lights solid blue and stable. You should be able to folliwing these instructions to configure the rest of the modem.

  • Lidia
    Lidia Posts: 1 ✭✭

    They were supposed to deliver the modem today between 12 and 5PM I am still waiting. No call or anything aside from an email that I received at 11AM starting delivery today. Very frustrating not to have a telephone number to call someone. I don't want to re-schedule. How can I track the delivery?

  • Emporium
    Emporium Posts: 2,305 ✭✭


    Sorry to hear they did not show up. There is no delivery tracking. The modem is hand delivered by the technician which will come and also verify the cable connection and signal strength. A missed appointment can happen for many reasons (including longer than expected installations), but the technician is "supposed" to call to let you know, but many times they don't. Unfortunately Fizz makes the request to Videotron, and Videotron hands it off to their subcontractors. Fizz doesn't control the appointments much, and only finds out about a missed appointment after the appointment has been missed. At that point (24 hrs after missed appointment) there will be an option on your plan, to reschedule another appointment.

    I know it can be frustrating not being able to call someone, but that is how Fizz works, and that is how they keep the costs low.

    If you still need help, you can contact a customer service agent online. Here we are all just end users like yourself trying to help eachother.

    • Sign into your account
    • Follow the link on this page: or
    • Wait 3 seconds for the green bubble with a '?' appears at the bottom right of the browser, if you use a phone you must use it in desktop or horizontal mode
    • Choose the option 💬 chat
    • If the green bubble does not appear make sure your ad blocker is disabled, otherwise try with another browser.

    PS: For me the only combination that works for CHAT, is Firefox, in a private window, and only when in the French language..

    Other means of contact

    CHAT however is the quickest method, but facebook is the easiest.

  • Jess_i88b6
    Jess_i88b6 Posts: 14,292 ✭✭


    You will be able to reschedule only 24hours after your missed appointment

  • MarcVivian
    MarcVivian Posts: 120 ✭✭

    Thank you!