Why is fizz.ca so buggy ?

kingTheod Posts: 194 ✭✭

i've experienced lots of bugs while visiting fizz.ca

i have a mac and using Brave (security-focused browser), a chrome-based browser, also built-in Apple Safari. here is a screenshot.

sometimes if i m using a vpn (ProtonVPN) it breaks up the page and displays an empty site or simply shows up html lines, sometimes it just works perfectly fine.

that's scratched my head, because such bugs highlight security holes in the website codes, your server-side scripting service (Java, php..) or your database in the backend

it's supposed to be a safe fail behaviour : when an app or online service experience an unexpected crash, it should be designed not to reveal holes, sensitive data or open unauthorized access to it...

Fizz, your DevSecOps guys still have work to do.

such bugs may open doors to security issues and vulnerabilities.

plz fix it asap.

ThX !

Best Answer

  • MathLaj
    MathLaj Posts: 22 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I would recommend to send this to Fizz directly, maybe not through an open and public forum?

    I mean, if some hackers were not aware of these security issue, now they are.


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