When will I receive my 50$

One of my friends gave me is referral code and I entered it when I commanded my Sim card, but when will we get the 50$ discount and how.
Best Answers
Hi, you'll receive it as a credit on the 3rd cycle of your plan, approximatively 60 days after your subscription.
Source: https://fizz.ca/en/faq/what-kind-of-rewards-do-i-earn-for-inviting-friends
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Hi @KingPekka
you will not receive the 50$ since the referral code is taken into consideration only when you will activate your plan.
Therefore, when you will receive the SIM and you will activate the plan, entering the referral code (Very important to enter it during the activation) and your 2nd payment you will receive the 50$ credit, which will be used on your payment starting from the 3rd payment and till the credit is used.
If your plan is 30$, the 3rd payment will be 0, and the 4th will be 10+TX
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Ok I got it! Thanks a lot!