AOVPN can't connect on WiFi but works wired.

ThB7 Posts: 2 ✭✭

My Always On VPN (AOVPN) does not connect when I'm in WiFi on my Fizz router CODA-4680. I haven't this problem with the 3000 router from Bell. Fortunately, it works when I'm connected with a network cable to the router. Many people in my company have similar issues with Helix from Videotron. My girlfriend doesn't have this issu for her job as they are using Cisco any connect for VPN.

Anyone knows why and how to fix this WiFi AOVPN problem as to be wired is not easy for most of us?



  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,983 ✭✭
    edited August 2021

    I know that Helix use its own DNS probably it is a similar problem with fizz but is is strange that you do not have problem with the ethernet

  • ThB7
    ThB7 Posts: 2 ✭✭

    An other issue about Helix is the ipv6 setup. We need to ask all users to deactivate this to have the AOVPN working. I can't figure what can be the difference between wired and WiFi in the setup of the router. As I was with Bell few weeks ago and I did not have this problem, I don't think it's my laptop who cause this problem.

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