After receiving the modem, how long it takes for the service to be activated

MrT Posts: 15 ✭✭

After receiving the modem, how long it takes for the service to be activated if I move from a working Videotron service


  • MrT
    MrT Posts: 15 ✭✭

    Really? But the job of the technician is just bring the equipment to my house and to unscrew the cable from the Videotron modem and plug to the Fizz equipment. I can do this myself

  • Ozzy
    Ozzy Posts: 31 ✭✭

    As soon as I connect the cable, the modem started to work. However, it took 20-25 min for me to get steady internet with both cable (for my desktop) and wi-fi (for my phone). I think the modem updated itself a couple times. But after that, it worked like a charm. Also, changing the network name and password was so easy. I like the interface.

  • Zenthar
    Zenthar Posts: 516 ✭✭

    I also switched from Vidéotron and unless you request the VIP installation (60$) the tech will just check the signal from outside and give you your modem, you will install the modem yourself (make sure there is no lock on your Vidéotron modem). As @Ozzy said, as soon as everything is connected you should have internet access, the connection should be 100% stable after about 1h, usually less.

  • Xamoth
    Xamoth Posts: 1 ✭✭

    Do you need internet connection already to install Fizz or I can close my account with Vidéotron now ?

  • Mario_FQDZA
    Mario_FQDZA Posts: 3,993 ✭✭

    @Xamoth The best is to wait for your Fizz connection to work THEN call Vidéotron to cancel.

  • Ozzy
    Ozzy Posts: 31 ✭✭

    No, you don't need an active internet connection to install Fizz. However, if you close early you will be without internet.

  • Zenthar
    Zenthar Posts: 516 ✭✭

    I would suggest you cancel Vidéotron only when Fizz is up and running to your liking. This way, if anything goes bad, you just plug back the Vidéotron modem and you'll have your old internet.

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