Internet Speed just dropped to < 1Mbps for anyone else?

I just had, and am currently dealing with my speed dropping to less than 1 Mbps ( 0.16 Mbps) while my plan is 120 Mbps. Is anyone else facing a similar issue? Did something happen on Fizz's end?
Would appreciate any insight on the matter.
Best Answer
@Fountain42 In the past I had a similar problem with videotron, after couple of days if usage my internet speed was dropping, and modem turn off and on was solving, temporarily, my speed. I solved the situation adding my own router, and configuring their router in bridge, From that day I always used my own router.
Can you try to disconnect the modem from the power for a minutes to see if this helps
It seems to have returned to normal speeds. However, I'll try that next time it happens. If the restart doesn't work, I'll probably grab a router. I wanted to bridge my own anyways, maybe this is the push I needed lol.