Please send transfer request to my current provider, fido to port in to fizz

Jiyoon Posts: 5 ✭✭

I want to transfer to fizz. As you suggested, i asked to current provider, fido, to send me new manual authorization txt just before.

They told me all the progress to port out(on my case)

First, new provider have to send transfer request to current provider. Than current provider can send customer a txt to make sure that.

So, now,


And please contact me when you done.

I asked to do this yesterday all day long.


I dont want to waste time...


  • Jiyoon
    Jiyoon Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Please reply me.

    Its been an hour.

  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,956 ✭✭


    From this guide

    2. The transfer authorization request sent by text was not approved or answered on time.

    When you activate your SIM card and request to transfer your number over to Fizz, your current provider will send you by text a transfer authorization request to confirm your wish to transfer this number. Failure to answer this authorization request, or if the request is denied, means that your transfer request was cancelled. You must then submit a new request using the link found in the notification posted in your Fizz account or pursue your Fizz activation by choosing a new number.

    The transfer authorization request sent by text by your current provider must be answered by the set deadline. If not, it will be automatically cancelled, and you’ll have to submit a new request.

    If you haven’t received the transfer authorization request, you'll need to contact your current provider directly to adress the issue.

    You can always contact the support, going on the guide and clicking on the green bubble in the bottom right corner and selecting the chat option

  • ClientCG
    ClientCG Posts: 119 ✭✭

    This is a community Forum. You aren't writing to Fizz :)

    Follow the steps suggested by Mike or contact Fizz by chat or Facebook (fizzca)

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