120 mbps at the 60 mbps price

InternetBoy Posts: 3 ✭✭

HI! I just activated my account and registered for my Wifi (before July 15th) and chose the 120 mbps that is at the same price as the 60 mbps until July 15th. If I take my appointment to get my Wifi installed later than July 15th (let's say July 17th), will I still get the reduced price? In other words, is the July 15th limit to register and confirm the Wifi installation or is the limit to get my Wifi installed completely with the appointment?

Thanks in advance for answering :)

Best Answer

  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,873 ✭✭
    Answer ✓


    you signed up during the promotion therefore you will get that price, and if you used the referral code, you also get the 75$


  • KernelPaniQC
    KernelPaniQC Posts: 9 ✭✭

    Yes, since you signed up during the promotion you'll be able to get that price.

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