Change voicemail number

xben Posts: 2 ✭✭

Hi I wanted to use another voicemail service then the one from Fizz but when I go in android to modify the number it says that I can't and to contact my provider.

is it possible to change it ?

Thank you all

Best Answer

  • Fizzy
    Fizzy Posts: 12,171 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi xben

    You should be able to use the call forwarding codes mentioned in this Fizz FAQ:

    Note that if you want to use another voicemail service, you should make a plan change to remove the voicemail option from your plan. The change (along with the new price) will take effect at your next renewal date.


  • Ihssan
    Ihssan Posts: 280 ✭✭
    edited June 2021

    There is only 2 options i think. 1 by entering the codes from the list posted by fizzy 2 by changing the number in android settings.

    You need to change the number for 3 options : when busy, unanswered and unreachable.

    Removing the voice mail from your plan is not a requirement but it can save you some money.

    Do not change/activate always forward or universal forward for you will not receive any call if you do so.

  • xben
    xben Posts: 2 ✭✭

    Hi Fizzy,

    Perfect exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for the help.

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