Fizz: Copper or Fibre?? (Montreal)
Just had a tech from another provider come by my new apartment and told me they would need to run a new line, install box etc. as they are on a Fibreoptic network. Landlord would "rather not" have this work done on the building. Fizz seems like a great value, but will similar work be required or are they able to use existing Coaxial connections or whatever? Hope that's clear enough. Thanks for any insight.
Best Answer
Fizz is coaxial. Not fibre optic.
Thank you!
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Yes ou are good Fizz use the videotron network so Fizz.
But im not sure your landlord can refuse this kind of work. Anayay its minimal just a new wired i should not refuse its it fine to accept that on your end you live there.
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Normally there's no problem with the installation. It's not like the bell's satellite. I know some places where they did not want that because it's ugly.
But for Fizz/Videotron, you should be fine