How to comment back and how to get points

I dont understand how to get points by the community. It says that you have to comment back to a person by aswering his/her question but i dont know were to click to chat back to the person that had the question. Is there other way to get points?
Best Answers
When you comment a post, you receive 3 points (like I am doing right now)
The person who asks the question can accept someone's answer. That someone will receine 50 pts (the first person only). For exemple : if you accept my answer (and that I'm the first you accept), I'll receive 50 pts
There's some categories where there is no best answer like in the break room.
This is what gives reward points:
On the forum:
3pts by replying in a discussion thread
50pts per month if active
50pts by obtaining the first "Accepted solution (best answer)"
50pts per Geek badge (except, Gurus)
In general :
10pts for every $ spent paying a monthly plan
3pts for every $ spent buying a mobile device
100pts for the activation of a refered person, 200pts when this person pays their 2nd invoice (use of referral codes)
And giving data, but I don't know how many points it gives
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The My Rewards program policy does not specify how many points, only the actions that give them. So I add our observations we collected over time:
Actions on the forum (community HUB) that contribute to My Rewards progress.
- 3pts by replying in a discussion thread (except those that you have started), +5pts when done in the first 5 minutes
- 50pts per activated monthly bonus
- 50pts by obtaining the first "Accepted solution" (read "THE best answer") (except in forum categories "Data Gifting" and BreakRoom sometimes it works and sometimes not for a reason that eludes me)
- 50pts per the Geek forum badge (not Gurus)
For the My Rewards levels gained elsewhere
You can also get points elsewhere than in the forum (community HUB):
- 10pts for every $ spent paying a monthly plan
- about 3pts for every $ spent buying a mobile device
- 3pts for gifting data (not perk)
- 100pts for the activation of a sponsored person, 200pts when this sponsored person pays their 2nd invoice (sponsorship: use of referral codes)
- 1000pts account Badge Chasseur/Collector 10 referrals (on top of sponsorship)
- 500pts account Badge Chasseur/Collector 5 referrals (on top of sponsorship)
- 50pts account Badge Amigo
- the other account badges probably give 50pts each too