Changing billing date?

Hello, I would like to know if it's possible to change a billing date without closing my account and reopening it. I would like to not do that since the deal I got for my phone service isn't available anymore.
Thanks for the help :)
Best Answer
It is not possible to have your billing date changed. You could try chatting with Fizz to find a solution but I'd be very surprised.
The only ways to do it comes with lack of service and other very annoying repercussions. This would be ill advised.
About suspending your account
If your plan is suspended by Fizz, whether for purposes of analysis following inappropriate use or following non-payment, your payment cycle will simply shift. For example, say the plan of a member is suspended following a missed payment, and Fizz ends up receiving the said payment 5 days later. The payment cycle of this member will simply be shifted by 5 days. He’ll enjoy his plan for a month, and the new anniversary date of his plan will become the day Fizz received that payment.
About suspending payments which will bring worse problems.
If the payment is not processed before the end of your payment cycle, the Fizz subscription associated to this plan will be automatically cancelled:
In the case of a mobile plan, your SIM card and your telephone number (which could be assigned to another Fizz member) will be deactivated. Your Fizz subscription will be cancelled, and you will lose all of your rolled over data. Any funds left in your Fizz wallet will be reimbursed via the payment method associated to your Fizz account.
Yeah, I dont intend on not paying, it was only for a quality of life thing to have all my payments come at the same date.
Thanks for the answer though :)