Subscription Area ?

Saw data only plans online - and package says "Canada Wide" ... then check to see if Rogers devices work on that - apparently they do. So create account and sign up. Get to the address and it says "out of subscription area" ???
I live in AB ... and the plan says Canada wide. Some checking then shows that subscription area is ON or PQ only apparently ... and if on Area EXT - any plan can be cancelled if more than 3 months use out of area.
So my question and comment is this - what good is a ?? Canada?? Wide data only plan if most areas in Canada cannot even sign up at all and use of it is time limited and can just be cancelled anyhow ?
Equally frustrating is this - only contact is a series of help files, social media, forum and NO direct fone number or even a easily visible email contact. Basically it seems a person just wastes a hour or two of time attempting to use this idea to find out it can't apparently BE used ! Clearly if there was a number to call - it would be a 2 minute call to quickly find out if it's useable here or not and if the device intended would work.
Perhaps on each plan and on the main page it should say clearly - only Ontario and Quebec members can register.
Best Answer
Fizz has a Home Network and a Canada Wide Roaming Network. Although with a Canada wide plan you can use your plan anywhere in Canada, you actually have to live in the Subscription Area (Home Network) in order to subscribe to the plan. Since you are in Alberta, you do not live in the subscription area (Québec and Ottawa Area) and you cannot become a Fizz customer.
Fizz also cuts your access to the Roaming Network if the majority of your usage is out of the subscription area for more than three months.