Cannot add new sim card to current plan gives error see image

I contacted fizz and they said there is no issue and to try with a different browser and in private mode but nothing is working. i have fizz internet, i tried logging in with my laptop and my tablet and different browsers but i still cant get passed the sim card page (see image). any tech-genius out there to help me, trying to add a second mobile plan to my account and transfer my plan from another carrier.
Best Answer
Turns fizz finally took a look at my account and the issue is with my email address. it didnt recongise the updated email adress since my acciunt is linked to my old email address. fizz says they will fix it now.
More info: i logged into my account from my friends laptop and same thing. The problem seems to be with my plan, he can order a new sim card with his plan easily but i get the same error (see previous post image) everytime. Can someone please help me!