Is it possible to gift upgrade or rollover data?

Marlene H.
Marlene H. Posts: 3 ✭✭

if yes, how?

Best Answer


  • Faelirya
    Faelirya Posts: 425 ✭✭

    One can gift data only from your current month's data (rollover data or data from bonuses/upgrades cannot be gifted).

  • StefanM
    StefanM Posts: 1,453 ✭✭

    Unfortunately, no. You can only gift your regular monthly plan data. The gifting of upgrades and roll-over data is not possible. I think it would be a great feature for the future though. Hopefully Fizz will implement it.

  • Thierry C. #38944
    Thierry C. #38944 Posts: 235 ✭✭

    I don't have data in my plan so sorry if it seems obvious but couldn't you gift your monthly data and yourself use your rollover data? Or maybe it's because you want to gift more data than you get monthly?

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