What is typical delay when increasing Internet plan speed?

I increased the speed of my plan a couple of days ago.
Two days ago, I received notice that the speed would increase 'tomorrow'.
Tomorrow is now yesterday. No speed increase after restarting modem.
Anyone else with a slow speed upgrade?
Should I expect it momentarily, or chase customer service?
Best Answer
Like you, a friend of mine increased the speed Thursday afternoon and the speed has not changed despite reboots and the email confirming the change. It's a bit embarrassing considering I gave the good new but it doesn't seem delivered 😐️
I believe this to be a bug as it really is expressed that unless it's requested less than 48h from your plan cycle, any increase should occur the following day.
It's without surprise that I'd suggest to chat with Fizz or wait until they figure it out as it seems to affect a couple of people (as seen in https://forum.fizz.ca/fr/discussion/comment/6571208#Comment_6571208 )
I believe it can take up to 48h, but many also reported that support mentioned bugs and once contacted support fixed it in 2h.
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Indeed, the speed change was not applied until I contacted customer service.
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Following up: my friend's modem speed was as expected, applied upon a surprise modem reboot😵 on the 4th day around 11AM. No chat required, but still not the day after the request.