Solution hub appears to be inactive

Did someone forget to pay RingCentral a license fee?
Here is one frequently asked question link, and what it displays:
Application archivée
Application archived
Cette application Dimelo est actuellement archivée.
This Dimelo application is currently archived.
Best Answer
Hi @Jacques_Assert ,
I believe some forum pages were not properly migrated to the new platform last March.
That page is available at
Until they address this, a solution could be to try to tweak the domain and folders
- from ""
- mind you, the page ID 2535463 becomes a folder.
Or do an internet search with the last folder value, for instance "2535463-possible-reduce-data-usage-0-mobile-plan-use-gifted-data"
Sounds like they need to run an sed/awk/perl script on their website. :P
Considering that the link is on their FAQ page, it's a bit shite.