Do I keep Fizz phone if I leave Fizz.

If I buy a Fizz phone and two weeks later i leave Fizz, do I keep the phone
Best Answer
Hi Shawn M.
Whenever there is a subsidized phone, there is usually a contract that goes along with it.
Here is what Fizz states: "This limited-time offer consists of applying the promotional rebate indicated on the suggested retail price of the phone in question. The rebate is conditional on (i) maintaining for an uninterrupted period of 12 months a Fizz mobile plan that is already active at the time of the phone’s purchase or (ii) activating a Fizz mobile plan within 7 days of receiving the phone in question (for members who do not already have an active Fizz mobile plan) and maintaining it for 12 months. If either condition is not met, you will be required to refund the prorated portion of the promotional rebate corresponding to the number of months remaining in the initial 12-month term."
So there will be a "penalty" charge if you leave before one year.
But as soon as you have finished your term, yes you'll keep your phone cause it is unlocked.
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Of course. 😃
Enjoy your new phone!
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Yes you will but you have to pay, at prorata, the balance of the bonus you get.
Sure after 12 month its yours. Not like the modem who are owned by Fizz at vitam eternal