Is this the modem that comes with Fizz internet

Joey5518 Posts: 15 ✭✭
edited March 2021 in Internet

CODA-45/46/47 Gigabit Cable Mode

or this

DOCSIS 3.1 Cable Modem Router with 802.11ac WiFi and MoCA

Not wanting to complicate the question - I found this at Best Buy-- Linksys EA7500 Max-Stream AC1900 MU-MIMO Gigabit WiFi Router (EA7500) - Refurbished

Ebox gives me good service and their 25 mb is good enough for us but they started charging rental for the router/modem. Fizz would cost less for 30 mb but if I have to pay 150 for a router that's a lot at this time. Only thing about Ebox is they use the old copper Bell wires. it does go off for a minute or 2 from time to time.

Wish that there was someone at Fizz I could talk to.

I have the phone and am happy with it but no issues like modems reach.

Best Answers

  • Fizzy
    Fizzy Posts: 12,175 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Joey5518

    Fizz home internet includes this modem/router: Hitron CODA-4680

    This modem/router will provide sufficient Wi-Fi coverage for most average homes. If you live in a larger home or an area with a lot of Wi-Fi signals, you may choose to use your own router.

    If you are experiencing issues with internet over Bell copper wires, I suggest you give Fizz home internet a try. There is no obligation at all.

    Once Fizz internet is installed in your home, you can test it out and decide for yourself which works better for you and then you can cancel the service you no longer want to keep (to avoid paying double).

    To find out if you are eligible for Fizz home Internet, you can go here to simulate a registration:

    Select your plan and enter your address. If you are eligible, you can enter your payment information and select an installation date.

    On the installation date, the technician will bring the Fizz modem and hook up the cabling into your home. You can consult the overall Fizz guide here:

    Here are the self installation instructions from Fizz: Mostly, you unwrap the modem, plug in 2 or 3 cables, turn on the modem and wait for it to complete the update, then enjoy your home internet!


    If you have any questions for Fizz customer service, the Live Chat is available here:

    1- Connect to your Fizz account by clicking « Login » in the top right corner at

    2- Any ad blocker in your browser must be disabled.

    3- Open any one of the FAQs in the Solutions Hub, such as:

    4- Click on the green bubble that will appear on the bottom right of the page.

    5- Select any one of the options available to you.

    Here you can find more information about how you can do that:

  • MichelP
    MichelP Posts: 8,731 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi, Joey

    I have an internet residential plan with Fizz for more than 2 years and i am very satisfied.

    Normally, the Fizz modem: a Coda-4680 works well for most of Fizz users.

    If you are living in a big house, you can choose to use your own good router and use the Fizz modem on bridge mode for better results with your wi-fi network.

    There is no contract with Fizz.

    You can decide to subscribe to a Fizz internet plan and use it a few days after his installation and keep your actual internet provider to compare if the new internet service with you is satisfiing you.

  • Zenthar
    Zenthar Posts: 516 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Few additional information/clarifications others might not have mentioned (coming from someone who switched a month ago from Videotron and considered Ebox extensively):

    • Ebox (DSL or Cable) rely on other provider's network, Fizz is no different and both use Videotron for cable network, no DSL option for Fizz
    • The CODA-4680 modem provided for free by Fizz has both Gigabit x4 ports and is a Wifi 5 router built-in
    • If you switch to EBox cable, I think their cable modem doesn't have built-in router so you'd have to get a router anyway
    • It seems the Fizz built-in router is a hit or miss situation for many, although this is based on the forum activity so it probably has a strong bias toward people having problems (not many just come to post "my modem is working great, thank you"), but if you are having connection drop or speed issues, the first thing people will tell you is "get your own router"
    • Pretty much any 50$+ band-named router will be better than the Fizz built-in router (I am using a TP-Link Archer A9 (AC1900) with a 120Mbps connection and I get full speed even over Wifi and it's only a 80$ router)
    • If you like/want to be able to talk to a human being (not just forum/chat), stick with EBox (although great an inexpensive, I wouldn't recommend Fizz to anyone because of that; I wouldn't recommend them to my parents for example because I'll end-up being level 1 phone support hahaha)
    • Fizz IS Videotron, not really an independent provider like EBox is, depending how you feel about that it can play in the balance
    • My rule of thumb to compare services prices is based on the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) over 1 to 5 year period (including equipment purchase) and chose whichever comes to lowest, for me when I based my choice on Cable with 100-120Mbps (purchasing both modems and routers when necessary, not renting) Fizz came-out cheaper by 100-300$ total over a 1-5 year period, not a huge difference, but because I also switched 2 mobile plans, I knew I'd unlock more "perks" rather fast and get additional rebates soon (already have 2$ off my internet after my first month so now the difference is more like 150-500$ over 1-5 years)
    • If you are to save a total of 1-2$ a month at most by switching, it's probably not worth the hassle, you might just want to call EBox and ask how much to buy the modem/router instead of renting it, they often offer open-box items with lower cost and you'd probably recuperate the cost over less than 1.5 years), they might give you an ever greater rebate if you can purchase the unit you already have.
  • Idefizz
    Idefizz Posts: 2,997 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Joey5518 , Zenthar's answer is awesome. Many very good points to consider.

    Like Zenthar mentions, a newly acquired router should last for a couple of years. As you are a member since 2019, I estimate your level to be relatively high so you should inherit a couple of rebates when adding Internet service, at least 4$ per month (maybe higher).

    Also, if you buy a router, the models labeled with the norm "AC" (ie. "802.11ac" AKA "WI-FI 5") are the most affordable ones presently without compromising security. Although they are slower than the latest available norm "802.11aX" (AKA "WI-FI 6"), if your budget allows it.

    To save money, "refurbished" is a very good all year round option. Also back in school sales, black Friday, etc.

  • Zenthar
    Zenthar Posts: 516 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Thank you @Idefizz for clarifiying my Wifi 5 (AC) point, I often forget that not everyone is a tech enthusiast that eat that stuff for breakfast hahaha!. What I like about help forums like this vs just normal tech support is you can get a LOT of people piling up info on top of one another :)

    A point aboit Wifi 5 (AC) vs Wifi 6 (AX) is that for normal web browsing, there is barely any benefits of going even above Wifi 3 (good old "G") since it theoretically supports up to 54Mbps, more than many typical internet connections. There are however multiple factors to consider beside speeds as the generations added more than just speed, they could also handle more devices and interference without significant speed drop (with "smart devices", the amount of devices connected can increase significantly) and better security. Speed would matter much more if you have traffic between devices in your own network (ex: network storage for backups or media storage), but Wifi 5 (AC, 3.5Gbps) would only be saturated by very fast storage like Solid State Drives (SSD) that can read/write about 5Gbps, most common magnetic hard drives top at around 1.25Gbps (and that is being optimistic generous). Finally, what I feel is a bit of a fly in the ointment of Wifi 6 (AX, 9.6Gbps) is that it is already a bit outdated as it got superseded by Wifi 6E (still AX, same speed, you know, to make things confusing) which can also use the 6Ghz frequency band (the others all use 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz) which is probably much less crowded so less interference in theory (but as frequency increase, the ability to go through obstacles such as walls diminish).

    I hope the geeking-out didn't confuse you too much, although I love this stuff, I sometimes also miss the good old days when choosing a router was just having to decide between the Grey/Metalic D-Link and the Blue Linksys :)

    TLDR: unless you have specific needs or usage and you stick to sub-100Mbps internet, any 50$+ Wifi 5 (AC) will do; if you have faster than 100Mbps Wifi 5 will still do, but you need to be careful as some 50$ ones won't go that fast, you'd need to go to around 80$+ ones to have better changes (they need Gigabit LAN/Uplink, not just "Fast Ethernet" like the cheap ones often have).


  • vanigh
    vanigh Posts: 328 ✭✭


    Just to add a suggestion to Fizzy’s excellent explanation, you can pickup a good used ac router on for the fraction of Best buy cost.

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