Voicemail problem

John G. 36183
Posts: 2 ✭✭
in My Mobile
My voicemail message takes approximately 20 seconds to start. Most callers think we do not have voicemail and close the call without leaving a message. Can the time to respond be less than 5 seconds?
John Gannon
John Gannon
Best Answer
Try to delete your welcome message to see if the default one kicks in with the same delay.
Or record it again.
To set it to default greeting:
- go to voicemail
- option 3 to go to greetings
- option 2 to delete your greeting
More at https://fizz.ca/en/faq/how-do-i-set-up-my-voicemail
Good question i dont think we can control that. we are client just like you her. Have you try to contact the support team ? Facebook is a nice contact channel for that. Give us the answer if you try to contact them. Have a nice day2
Here is the answer you're looking for, taken from
You can determine how long before callers are transferred to your voicemail.
By default, incoming calls will be redirected to your voicemail after 20 seconds without a response.
You can adjust this timeframe, however, by dialling the following combination in your phone:
The number of seconds you choose must be a multiple of 5 and be between 5 and 30 seconds. Special characters are required in this command (asterisk, hashtag, etc.).
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