Why some iPhone offered by Fizz are priced higher than buying directly from Apple?

I've noticed iPhone prices for new phones can be higher than what you can get them for directly from Apple. Example, today, the iPhone 11 is prices at $875 on Fizz, but this phone costs $850 from Apple.
*Screenshots taken today, Feb 17, 2021


  • Mastaiso
    Mastaiso Posts: 923 ✭✭
    Hi Benoit,
    It's not just Fizz, this is the same situation with almost all carriers, Here you can finance with PayBright

    Have a nice day :)
  • Seu_Madruga
    Seu_Madruga Posts: 73 ✭✭
    Yeah, I would like to know, too. The only "advantage" is that for each dollar spent you get 10 points (from what I read in the community), so, buying a phone would give you almost 9000 points, which would bring you to level 4.
  • Waldo
    Waldo Posts: 1,629 ✭✭
    I would guess that Apple very recently have lowered their prices.
  • redhead
    redhead Posts: 857 ✭✭
    During the beta testing period, I paid my brand new iPhone 11 for 640$ + taxes.
  • Dgjf
    Dgjf Posts: 3,118 ✭✭
    Hard to say but i think appel can give a best price because their are no other compagnie between appel and the consummer. Buying directly from the manufacturer should always be cheaper to be logic. So i donc see a problem with that its only how buisness work (appel haas this price and fizz/paybright take an amount so more pricy)
  • Dominic L. #1933
    Dominic L. #1933 Posts: 727 ✭✭
    Probably fees to process your order.
  • NinjaBunga
    NinjaBunga Posts: 203 ✭✭
    I think apple recently changed their price, not sure though.
  • Princessa
    Princessa Posts: 60 ✭✭
    Hi Benoit,
    It is common for carriers to sell at higher price.
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