How to set static IP?

Dong A.
Dong A. Posts: 2 ✭✭
Hi, everyone,
I see similar discussions on static IP but I still would like to clarify a few things.
I never worried about it. However, because now I am working from home, and I need to remotely log into a business partner's server to do work. They only accept connections from a static IP. This is why I have to look into this now.
I googled the question and it seems like quite straight-forward to set up static IP on my laptop. Then in previous posts on this topic, it also looks like I have a very stable IP address for my own router. Therefore, I wonder if it is enough that I simply set the static IP on my laptop (following the instructions I found on Google), then it will work no problem for me.
If not, what options do I have? Please kindly advise.
Thank you all very much!


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