What can I do if my internet connection is really slow?

piratheeban Posts: 1 ✭✭
My internet conenction is really slow, I'm supposed to have 60mbps but after running speed tests on my laptop I get download speed of a little over 3mbps


  • StefanM
    StefanM Posts: 1,453 ✭✭
    Try to reboot the modem.
    CODA Modems are known to be unstable. If you can, I would recommend using it in bridge mode and use your own router
  • MichelP
    MichelP Posts: 8,731 ✭✭
    First, have you tested the speed with an ethernet câble connected to your computer?
    I suggest you to do reset factory of your modem.
    Push on 35,40 seconds with a sharp object the reset button back in the center of the modem and released it after.
    Wait around 2,3 minutes to see coming back the lights of the modem.
    If your computer is directly connected with an ethernet câble, you'll see on the screen:
    Easy connect.
    Types twice the Default factory password key back of the modem.
    Your internet connexion is supposed to be 100% functionnal.
    You can test the speed of your connexion.
    Then, connect the other devices to your wi-fi network with the same default factory password.
    If you still need help about your internet connexion:
    Contact the Fizz customer service by chat.
    Click on:
    Click on the green interrogation point down to the right of the page and the green chat bubble.
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