Will we get unlimited data one day?

I hope we get unlimited data that would be awesome for the people


  • Lieux
    Lieux Posts: 2,528 ✭✭
    Michael fizz is not a big company. I am not sure that it will happen some day. Wait and stay with fizz to see..
  • StefanM
    StefanM Posts: 1,453 ✭✭
    That would be nice indeed. However, I don't think this will be a realty in Canada until we make the market more competitive. At least bot unlimited high speed data
  • carolineC84
    carolineC84 Posts: 221 ✭✭
    I guess it should be nice for some users. I don't needy it myself.
  • Yelena
    Yelena Posts: 1,861 ✭✭
    I don't think we will in the nearest future.
    However, Fizz community is generous. If you need data, you just have to ask here!
  • Alzhi
    Alzhi Posts: 305 ✭✭
    I don't think this is something we will see in the near future. All these unlimited data that we see from other provider are throttled meaning that after the amount of data included in the plan for example 10 GB, the provider will slow down the data for anything used after 10 GB at a speed of 512Kbps. I feel like this kind of technology would be hard to implement on a prepaid service like Fizz.

    We can keep hoping until then.

    Have a good day
  • Pascal L. 40582
    Pascal L. 40582 Posts: 649 ✭✭
    Your guess is as good as anyones!
  • Strauss
    Strauss Posts: 256 ✭✭
    Yes, unlimited data would be nice. We'll see.
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