Sim card in Gatineau?

I need to buy a Sim card. I realize this has been asked, but it's been a month since... Is there still nowhere to buy a Sim card anywhere in the ottawa/Gatineau region?!?! It's not like I'm in farmland over here, we're well over a million people. Online is not an option because, as we all know, Canada post is still all messed up due to covid delays. A client mailed me a cheque two weeks ago from downtown (about 10km) and it just arrived yesterday! I don't have time to wait two weeks for a Sim card. Why on earth can we not buy a Sim card anywhere in the metro ottawa/Gatineau region? I don't get it.


  • Fizzy
    Fizzy Posts: 12,186 ✭✭
    Hi Eric

    Sorry your choices are limited for now.
    1 - Online
    2 - Get someone to buy it for you.

    Fizz and Couche Tard have made SIM cards available to other areas outside of Montreal, but not in Ottawa/Gatineau area yet. Please continue to check for updated areas:
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