No coaxial câble inside

Dayvid Posts: 1 ✭✭
M'y adresse on the site Says i can have internet but theres no coaxial câble inside the house, theres just the one that goes in the Bell box. Will the tech get the cable from the street to the house?


  • MichelP
    MichelP Posts: 8,731 ✭✭
    Does the câble of Videotron is available in the area where you area?
    If yes, you'll be able to subscribe to a Fizz residential internet plan.
    If it is a new plan, you can apply a referral bonus from a friend and get 50$ of rebate after doing your second payment.
    When you will subsribe to this new plan online and fix the day of your installation with the technician;
    Please, chat after with the Fizz customer service to inform them that no coaxial câble is installed in your building. It will take more time for the technician to do your installation.
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