My plan says 120mbps but i never reach more than 70

Hey guys,
I have a 120 mbps plan i leave in montreal and i noticed for about a month that whenever i do a speed test i never reach more than 75mbps. i just did a test and its 42 mbps.
How do i get this fixed?


  • Serge O. #3665
    Serge O. #3665 Posts: 537 ✭✭
    The top speed can rarely be obtained on wifi because of modem and other circumstances.
    On the other end if you connect a computer directly with cable you should obtain your maximum speed.
    And after all try and test there is still fizz support for your help.
    Good luck !
  • Antoine C. #10482
    Antoine C. #10482 Posts: 222 ✭✭
    This is weird... You tested with the ethermet cable?
  • LemonHead
    LemonHead Posts: 355 ✭✭
    Very weird stuff. Hopefully you can get it fixed with what everyone else said.
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