Does anyone use the CODA-4680 as a Wi-Fi Router?

Samuel G. 76704
Samuel G. 76704 Posts: 17 ✭✭
Does anyone use the CODA-4680 as a Wi-Fi Router? and if so how is the performance for you?
I'm using an old AirPort Extreme and I was wondering to free some counter space for my small studio if the CODA-4680 was any good. Its a very small place and I have the 120mbps plan.
Thank you in advance!


  • M T. #12340
    M T. #12340 Posts: 772 ✭✭
    I've been using Coda-4680 as a router over a year without problem until now.
    You should try. If it doesn't work for you then go back your router.
  • Samuel G. 76704
    Samuel G. 76704 Posts: 17 ✭✭
    Hi All,
    Thank you all for your responses.
    I have tested the CODA and finally decided to stick to my Airport Extreme, i will use the CODA if it dies on me.
    Thank you
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