Major speed issue in ottawa/Gatineau region?

Martin P. #5819
Martin P. #5819 Posts: 12 ✭✭
Hi, I'm in the Ottawa/Gatineau area and getting major speed issues in the evenings for the last month. Anybody else with speed issues? I'm on the 60 mb plan and running 1 netflix and 2 xbox and the speedtest is at 2 mb.
I tried everything with this modem without any results. So i'm thinking the modem cannot take the load (it as a very week cpu) or there is congestion in my area/neighborhood.


  • So_AR
    So_AR Posts: 776 ✭✭
    not aware, I'm in sherbrooke
  • Martin P. #5819
    Martin P. #5819 Posts: 12 ✭✭
    So here is what I tried about my speed issues
    Reboot modem
    reset modem
    Disconnect eveything except wired computer
    Run the same number of device/streams during the day.
    At 20:00 the speed drops to 2 mb. Connections drop constatnly
    At 10:00 Speed stays at 58 mb with no disconnection.
    So it really looks like a network congestion on the Fizz side.
    Can Fizz know how many clients are in my neibothood to confirm theory.
  • Lieux
    Lieux Posts: 2,528 ✭✭
    Martin the only way to answer your question is to ask it directly to Fizz...
  • Fizzy
    Fizzy Posts: 12,174 ✭✭
    Hi Martin

    If the speed drop is not attributed to another device in your household, then I would suggest to contact Fizz support. They will create a ticket for the issue and will make the necessary adjustments to the network as warranted. If the internet works well during the day and the speed drops during the evenings, it looks like there is congestion in your area.
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