Where can I find my bill?

I have found the receipts, but am looking for my bill. Do you know where I can find it?


  • Lieux
    Lieux Posts: 2,528 ✭✭
    Caroline it’s in your account in your MY PLANS and HISTORY you will find them. https://fizz.ca/en/transaction-history
    If you still have problem to see them reach Fizz
  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,973 ✭✭
    Hi Caroline

    In the history transaction you a receipts with the detail you need to click on it

    My Plans → Transaction History.
    For more information on how to check your transactions, you can take a look at Fizz help page: https://fizz.ca/en/transaction-history
  • JoanMr
    JoanMr Posts: 330 ✭✭
    Dis you find the answer you were looking for ? Pleas let us know :)
  • Billy N. #35415
    Billy N. #35415 Posts: 248 ✭✭
    Hello, you can contact fizz through live support, facebook messenger or twitter, they have been really helpful!
  • Gilles
    Gilles Posts: 1,340 ✭✭
    Wow, this question has been open for 4 months, chezzwizz what are you doing?!?
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