Can't connect to modem with mobile device?

Cannot connect to my wifi network with my samsung galaxy, the network appears in the list but i'm getting a prompt saying that it's impossible to connect to this network. All wifi connection to computers seem to be working fine. Also the default network name written on the back of the modem isn't listed.Instead of FFIZZ1234... its GAM and a couple of unknown caracters.


  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,977 ✭✭
    Try to change the SSID (the Wifi Name) probably the unknow symbols are problematic with your phone

    You can always try to do a factory reset
  • Karl B. #29906
    Karl B. #29906 Posts: 214 ✭✭
    Try using only AlphaNumeric characters. Also, tehre might be several configurations on the way. You might want to reset to the factory settings if it doesn't work.
  • Samuel C. 64723
    Samuel C. 64723 Posts: 166 ✭✭
    Try to reset your router and possibly change network name as others suggested.
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