Fizz Internet installation?

Helaleh Posts: 1 ✭✭
I already have internet with Carrytel. Do I need to inform my janitor for the installation process?


  • Sergiy R.
    Sergiy R. Posts: 142 ✭✭
    You need to cheque is Fizz available in your building on Fizz web site.
  • MichelP
    MichelP Posts: 8,731 ✭✭
    You are with carrytell by câble?
    If the coaxial câble in your appartment is now fonctionnal, you dont have to worry.
    The day of your installation, the technician will bring you the Fizz modem with all the instructions.
    Also, he will install a splitter to your coaxial câble and check the signal of your connexion.
    This day will be the beginning of your billing cycle of your internet plan.
    When your Fizz connexion will be fonctionnal, you'll be able to cancel your subscription to Carrytel.
    Welcome to Fizz!
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