Can customers service call me some how?

Can I please talk to a person from the fizz company?
Can someone tell me if I were to purchase home internet today how long would it take until the technician come to plug it in my house ? How many days does it take b4 I will have working internet?


  • Fizzy
    Fizzy Posts: 12,164 ✭✭
    Hi Alexandra

    You can chat with Fizz customer service online, but you cannot call them. There is also this forum where customers can help each other. With this service model, they can keep our prices low.

    At the moment, unfortunately there is a delay with internet installations due to the back-to-school rush. Fizz uses the same network and technicians as Videotron. To find your appointment availability, open this link to choose your internet plan and enter your address:

    What others have done is after you have chosen your appointment, you may check daily for cancellations to see if you can get an earlier appointment. You can read here for more info:

    And if you're a new customer, don't forget to use a referral code at sign-up to receive your $25 credit.

    There is list of available referral codes here:

    If you found my post to be helpful, please use my referral code. We will both receive $25 once you have made your second monthly payment. This credit will be applied to your 3rd bill.
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