how long does it take for the internet service to return after account was frozen from missing a pay

Alex L. #16736
Alex L. #16736 Posts: 6 ✭✭
So I missed a payment and fizz cut off my internet service. I went and made a payment tonight with a different card. I got the message saying my account was unfrozen and service is reactivated but its been a couple of hours and its still not working.
How long does this usually take?


  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,979 ✭✭
    Hi Alex,

    On their page they say up to 2 hours, did you already try to turn off the modem for 1 minutes?
  • Victoria C. #24523
    Victoria C. #24523 Posts: 367 ✭✭
    You should try to unplug and plug back the modem. In most cases it helps.
  • Lieux
    Lieux Posts: 2,528 ✭✭
    Whizz Nicolae said few months ago.... Usually, when you make your payment the system needs up to 2 hours for your payment to pass, if you have waited longer then this and it didn't pass, this means that the banks are still doing the transactions between them and it will take longer then expected.
    In this case, I know you've said that you've contacted your bank, but you can do that once more and ask them to let the transaction that is coming from Fizz end to be completed. This way your services will resume.
  • Sandra M. #15778
    Sandra M. #15778 Posts: 13 ✭✭
    Usually a couple of hours. Try restarting the modem
  • MichelP
    MichelP Posts: 8,731 ✭✭
    Usually, it can takes somes hours to get your internet connexion.
    Also, try to reboot your modem can help too.
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