Internet price increases

LemonHead Posts: 355 ✭✭
I saw recently that the prices seemed to have increased by 5$ across the board for the internet plans. I'm curious to know if anyone has searched a bit into this. In Canada, it seems the prices should be decreasing for internet plans in the coming years. The price hike seems to be contradicting that. Any thoughts?
Thanks for your input!


  • Alexander Y.
    Alexander Y. Posts: 288 ✭✭
    You can just use Free from coffee places close to your house. That way, you won’t pay internet at home and you can socialise at the same time. Win-win?
  • Jorge C. #7735
    Jorge C. #7735 Posts: 93 ✭✭
    When you say across the board I guess you mean across providers? because with fizz is actually decreasing. I think it was 65$ for the 120mb a few month back now 60.
    With Bell I know they increased the internet price around 1 or 2 years back for "New regulations" whatever that means and I read videotron did so too.
    I don't know why you say " In Canada, it seems the prices should be decreasing for internet plans in the coming years". For sure it should but I haven't read anything related to it.
  • Matthew A. #24717
    Matthew A. #24717 Posts: 375 ✭✭
    The 30Mbps plan went up by $1 compared to May.
  • George S. #20091
    George S. #20091 Posts: 639 ✭✭
    At least prices didn't increase for existing customers..
    At the end of the day, it's the supply & demand rule that applies
  • MichelP
    MichelP Posts: 8,731 ✭✭
    Recently, Fizz has ajusted the price for theirs internet plans.
    The plan at 15 mbs has increased of 5$ , the 30 mbs is the same , i think.
    For the 60, and 120 mbs plans, they have reduced the price of 5$/ per month.
  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,979 ✭✭
    I did not check the price, however, for an unlimited plan, this is pretty understandable.

    if you have a 30 mbps or 120 mbps, this does not mean that at the end of the day you will download more at least for the 90% of the users. This means that it takes more time therefore they are more interested that people are using the biggest plan possible.

    I believe that ISP that are reselling they pay per Gb used and not for the speed
  • Matthew A. #24717
    Matthew A. #24717 Posts: 375 ✭✭
    For long term subscribers have your plans gone up? If so, how often?
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