Can I send a voicemail to email to save it?

Jose D. #15033
Posts: 4 ✭✭
in My Mobile
Is there a way to save a voicemail? I read that we could send voicemails to email and save it forever, is this possible with Fizz?
Hi Jose, Here's a link on how to use your Voicemail, if you have more questions you can contact the customer Service either on Facebook messenger ( or Fizz Website by oppening this link ( and simply scroll down until you see the Green Bubble, Click on it to start your Chat session with the customer service. Good Luck, they will be able to help you ! ! If I helped you out properly, please choose me has the best answer to close the Topic2 -
Non you cannot2
This feature is not available for fizz though it is offered other carriers. However if you are looking for another way to get a voicemail transcription check out this guide:
This is not offered by fizz but here is a workaround if you want to set it up!
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