I have the 15 mbps internet package and I'm unable to do zoom call. What should I do?

Mathieu C. 56906
Mathieu C. 56906 Posts: 2 ✭✭
Not working on my laptop but on my phone yes. The problem is that I need it to work on my laptop. I tried also to be the only one connected but still too slow.


  • M T. #12340
    M T. #12340 Posts: 756 ✭✭
    Is your laptop connected by wifi to your router ? If so try connect your laptop with wired to see.
  • Mo A.
    Mo A. Posts: 234 ✭✭
    did you tried a speedtest.net to see if you have 15 MBPS, try to do the test wired and wifi, don't forget if some in your house steaming may this affect your test.
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