How can I share my referral code with the greatest number of people?

How can I share my referral code with the greatest number of people?


  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,983 ✭✭
    Put it in your social
    On the community there is also a post where you can add it
  • Anne-laure F.
    Anne-laure F. Posts: 586 ✭✭
    Hi Annie !
    Just tell your friends about it ;)
  • SuperFizzeur
    SuperFizzeur Posts: 3,767 ✭✭
    Thanks for your fantastic question.
    By a Youtube Vlog Channel, Facebook company page.
    It's been a pleasure to assist you today. If you have any further questions don't hesitate to ask.
    Don't forget to mark this answer as the best answer! :)
  • Stanley M.
    Stanley M. Posts: 279 ✭✭
    Put it on the fizz community board. It's the best way, beside getting your friends to come to Fizz and use your code of course
  • Carlos F. #16703
    Carlos F. #16703 Posts: 23 ✭✭
    I've seen some people posting on Kijiji.
  • Takion
    Takion Posts: 330 ✭✭
    its against Kijiji policies some people got the account suspended for posting referral codes so i would not recommend it
  • Sylvieb
    Sylvieb Posts: 1,657 ✭✭
    I hope your problem is solved. Can you please choose your best answer.
    Have a good day.
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