Internet plan question?

Stanley M.
Stanley M. Posts: 279 ✭✭
I used to have 60mbs then i downgraded to 30mbs. Is there a way to see if I could go down to 15mbs based on my internet usage?


  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,750 ✭✭
    If you know your usage yes.

    This link is a good start

    You can also ask here, giving us more details about your usages
    - Video
    - games
    - surfing
    - personnes using this connexions

    For example, if you watch 4K video, you need to have 30 Mbps
    If you play online I will stay also with the 30 mbps
  • Stanley M.
    Stanley M. Posts: 279 ✭✭
    It's mostly youtube and netflix. And we're using 2-3 devices max at the same time. I was looking for a usage history similar to the mobile data plan. How can I find my usage history then?
  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,750 ✭✭
    It is not exactly the same think, with that you see the daily usage, if you are watching a video, you do not want to wait the buffer, etc

    Youtube full HD 4 Mbps, 3 connexion you are more then 12 mbps
    Netflix is almost the same, however, if you are watching UHD/4K you are at 25Mbps per persons

    For this link Netflix FHD is 5Mbps per persons
  • Stanley M.
    Stanley M. Posts: 279 ✭✭
    All eight i think i'll stick to 30mbs. Thanks
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