Will technician run a new (second) cable if I already have television service with Videotron?
Riccardo M.
Posts: 1 ✭✭
in Internet
I presently have Internet with Bell (Fibe) and television with Videotron (cable). When switching to Fizz, will I be using the existing TV coax cable or will the technician run a second cable? Can one line handle both television and Internet from 2 separate providers?
No, he will install a splitter, he will use the same cable7
Fizz use Videotron infrastructure for both moblility and internet. So the coaxial cable for your television is the same cable Fizz will use for internet.
If you understand french read this
https://www.lesaffaires.com/dossier/innovation/fizz-une-start-up-au-****-de-videotron/6126325 -
Hi Riccardo,
No he won't "run" a second coax cable from outside but rather use the one already for the television like other said will split the line with a splitter and then connect tv and Modem.
You could ask the technician from Videotron if he is willing to install a new outlet somewhere else in your house for you since being a Videotron customer.
I think you are allowed to have up to 5 outlets during one installation.
(NOT 100% SURE).
Now he could refuse to do this because the job is not done for Videotron itself but for a reseller !
Just ask it's worth the try )
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