Is there a way for me to control bandwidth allocation between devices - home internet?

Oleg V.
Oleg V. Posts: 9 ✭✭
I recently got roomates and they are hogging the internet a lot, which makes everything go very slow for me. Is there a way that i can control bandwidth allocation through my router/modem or any other way; like through some software?
thank you


  • Isabelle P. #15966
    Isabelle P. #15966 Posts: 832 ✭✭
    I advise you in chatted with fizz via the chat bubble or via messenger from their Facebook page. They respond fairly quickly. They will be able to solve your problem. Have a good day
  • techblow
    techblow Posts: 1 ✭✭
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  • Fizzy
    Fizzy Posts: 12,054 ✭✭
    Hi Oleg,

    If your roommates are using more than 1 device each, you can limit their access by device (e.g. only 1 device allowed per roommate). Another possibility you may consider letting them use only one band (2.4G) and keeping the 5G wifi band for yourself. Or possibly limiting them to the Guest wifi. Otherwise you may have to do as Mike suggested and use your own router.
    @techblow, please don't post unwanted spam in this forum.
  • Qulbut
    Qulbut Posts: 3,914 ✭✭
    Follow my friends advise !
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