cant receive modem?

PY L. Posts: 1 ✭✭
The modem is suppost to arrive today at 12:00-5:00 but I still doesn't recive it by now, my oder nomber is 685***, thanks


  • MichelP
    MichelP Posts: 8,731 ✭✭
    Sorry that you have not received today your modem by the technician.
    It can happen during this special period of covid-19.
    You will be obliged to re-schedule a new appointment online and choose a day and an hour for your new installation.
  • Fizzy
    Fizzy Posts: 11,832 ✭✭
    Hi PY,
    Please read this FAQ from Fizz:

    Hopefully it will help to answer your questions.

    Did you logon your account to check your appointments?
    Read point #2 in the FAQ: How do I view my appointments?

    Did you receive an email from Fizz? Check also your spam folder.
    Read point #4 in the FAQ: What if I receive an email for the failure of an appointment?
  • Isabelle P. #15966
    Isabelle P. #15966 Posts: 832 ✭✭
    I advise you in chatted with fizz via the chat bubble or via messenger from their Facebook page. They respond fairly quickly. Good luck and good day to all of you
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