Does anyone need data, I have some to spare?
Thank you for sharing. Can I advise you to post to the french community too. There are more users there.6
This is very generous of you! I'm all good data-wise, but I'm sure you'll find someone to give this to! Maybe try offering on the French side of the Forum as well ;-)
You just need to click on FR on the top right corner of the page, start a new discussion, et voilà!
Have a nice day!7 -
HI Mike,
How would I do that? Aren't all the communities the same?
HI Gabriel,
Yes, that works. Please send me a private message with your phone number or email address. Sorry this is my first time doing this and i am still learning to navigate this ... which is not working well.
Thanks!8 -
@Barb, The 2 communities are separated
Thank you for sharing and for your generosity.
You'll be sure to help somes users who needs data.6 -
facebook group ! a lot of people there6 -
Thank You for sharing7
Si possible avoir 1 go
Ce serait apprécié
This discussion has been closed.