Refferal bonus ?

Have you applied refferal bonus of$25 each to new account of my daughter I have reffered and activated 7 days ago ?


  • sman
    sman Posts: 5,505 ✭✭
    Good to know
  • Jessica M. #4249
    Jessica M. #4249 Posts: 6 ✭✭
    If the person who used your referral code stay with Fizz 2 months, you will automatically receive the $25 credit on your bill after this person’s second of being client. The $25 accumulate if you get many but you don’t have to do anything to get the credit on your bill. All automatic!
    Also, when this person used your code, she/he has to make sure to clic on the green arrow to validate the code. Once they activate their services you will receive an email or sms.
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