change payment card?

Kamal K.
Kamal K. Posts: 1 ✭✭
how can i change the card registered for the payment. system dont allow me to remove the existing card and also dont allow me to add new card saying that maximum card limit has reached


  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,941 ✭✭

    You need to contact the support, in order to reset the limit

    After you need toadd new new card and associated to your plan

    and after you can remove the old credit card


    The update must take place 24 hours before the start of your plan’s next payment cycle to ensure your account is updated in time for your next payment. You must add a new credit card before removing the one currently associated to your account.

    Here are the steps to update a payment method, and associate it to your plans:

    1. In your Fizz account, go to My Profile
    2. Click on Payment methods.
    3. Click on Add a new payment method to add your new payment method.
    4. Then, select the payment method you no longer want to us, and click on Delete.
    5. Now make your way to My plans.
    6. For each of your plans, click on Manage plan/Payment method, and associate your new payment method.

    Know you must also associate each plan you want to pay with that new card. This is not done automatically.




    to contact the support click on the link Wait 5 seconds for the bubble icon to appear at the bottom right of the browser and click on the icon to chat with support. Try a different browser if you have issues getting the bubble to appear.


  • poker85
    poker85 Posts: 1,104 ✭✭
    Please, contact the Fizz customer support.
    Chat is available from 8h00 to 21h00, each day.
    The adress is:
  • Mo A.
    Mo A. Posts: 234 ✭✭
    Hi Kamal,
    It is easy, I had the same problem.
    1st add the new card in your profile, you ll end with two cards, you can't delete the old one
    2nd for each plan, change and then put the new one
    3rd back to your profile and remove the old card
    Hope this help
  • André L. #16536
    André L. #16536 Posts: 647 ✭✭

    All these answers should help!  

  • Chris K. #7521
    Chris K. #7521 Posts: 486 ✭✭
    I think you need to add a new card before you can remove one. If you can't add anymore due to reaching the limit, then contact Fizz and they can reset it for you. I'm not sure why Fizz has this limit, but it seems to be a very long lasting bug.
  • Benoit D. #9220
    Benoit D. #9220 Posts: 284 ✭✭
    Contact fizz
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