cannot be gifted why this is my son cellphone his my second phone on my account ?

i have to cell phone on the same account the second one can not be gifted why


  • Aaron T. #7761
    Aaron T. #7761 Posts: 62 ✭✭
    Can you Clarify what exactly you are asking so we can better help you as a community?
  • MichelP
    MichelP Posts: 8,731 ✭✭
    Go to profile of your son's account
    at the end of the page to confidentiality, change it for experience complete.
    You'll be able to gift data to you son.
  • Jimmy N. #14505
    Jimmy N. #14505 Posts: 620 ✭✭
    Normally you should be able to. Please speak with a representative.
  • Berts
    Berts Posts: 824 ✭✭
    Yes you should be able.Call Fizz for your problem.By chat or messenger..
  • Fizzy
    Fizzy Posts: 12,019 ✭✭

    Gift via phone number. Also your son's plan must already include data to be able to participate with gifting.

  • sman
    sman Posts: 5,322 ✭✭
    @Mike did find the way to gift data?
    The second account has data?
  • Nini G. #13860
    Nini G. #13860 Posts: 1,219 ✭✭
    Please choose the best answer to close the discussion.
  • redguitar2
    redguitar2 Posts: 51 ✭✭
    The second line has to have a data plan associated to it or it will not be able to receive gifted data.
This discussion has been closed.