4 accounts or 1 account with 4 plans?

what would be better
4 accounts or 1 account with 4 plans
there is a similar thread for 2 accounts
but the discussion is closed so i could not ask more questions
why are many people saying that 1 account is better
does 1 reward go to all 4 lines?
is it possible to have more details before i commit
Each reward can be used by one line only. There is no reward that would go to all 4 lines.
There is $35 referral promo atm, which each new account would qualify for.
If you prefer, you may group 2 lines into one account. So 2 or 3 accounts?
In my opinion, 4 accounts would be better right now.
If you need a referral code to activate your first line, you can use mine 66KGA.
I also have leftover data every month, so as a thank you, I will gift data to people who used my referral code.
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If you plan to participate to the community is better to group some of them.
If you do not plan to participate, it is better to have a separate account, since you we receive perks to one of each.
A week ago we received 1Gb per account, 2 or 3 weeks ago 500Mb per account too.5 -
4 accounts was my plan
but as i look at discussion threads many say 1 account is better
their only reasoning is that you level up faster
but they dont include details or explain
if you have 1 account
does a reward go to all lines or can you only assign 1 reward to 1 slot on 1 line
if thats the case i dont see how its better or faster
it seems like 4 accounts is better
but i would appreciate details on how 1 account is better7 -
Yes you will level up a bit faster, but you will have only one rewards per level, if you have 4 accounts and each of them are giving 20 kudos per days => 600 pts per month + the points from billing payment.
What will be better have 70$ per account or couple of points which will lead to a reward that you can apply only to one account?7 -
You can only assign 1 reward to 1 slot on 1 line.
Also enhanced referral rewards means 3 of your accounts will earn $70 credit if you refer in sequence. And the last account will have $35 credit.
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this is the table that I did for the reward, you will see that with 600 point per monts from kudos, you will reach level 2 in 2/3 months (you need to consider the points from paying the bill and the level up points )
Now supposing that you have the 4 accounts toghether, you will receive ~400 pts for paying the bill, 600 points from kudos
3 months 3K points but only 2 rewards
Moreover, you alread have 300 points in couple of days ...
Level points Mobile Home
InternetSlots 1 0 250 Mo $1 rebate 1 Slot 2 1500 500 Mo $2 rebate 3 4500 250 Mo $1 rebate 2 Slots 4 9000 200 Mo
$1 rebate$1 rebate 5 15000 250 Mo $2 rebate 3 Slots 6 22500 500 Mo $2 rebate 7 31500 $1 rebate $2 rebate 8 42000 1 Go $1 rebate 9 54000 $1 rebate $3 rebate 10 67500 $1 rebate $2 rebate 150000 400000 7 -
I would suggest you 4 accounts. You'll be able to get rewards of 35% for 3 accounts.
If you are not active in the community, it,s your best option.
If you prefer to get rapidly bonus, have only 1 account with 4 plans.
It depends of your needs.5 -
Btw when you combine multiple lines in one account, only 1 line can benefit from the referral credit.
Also the upgrade rewards are valid for 2 years, from the date they are earned. So there is no rush to level and earn them all at once.
By offering $35 referral credit, Fizz has made it more beneficial to have 1 line per account.
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Thanks @Fizzy and @Mike
you are confirming my thoughts
i believed that 4 accounts was better
i was aware of the 35/70 reward
my confusion was others saying that 1 account was better
and i just could not figure it out
4 separate accounts takes a bit more effort but will be much more rewarding
i realize i will need to "daisichain" the activation
me > wife > son > daughter
how long before i get my referal code to give to wife
then repeat
will my code show up as soon as i set my plan per account or only once the port is succesful
id like all accounts active on same day to keep same billing date3 -
@Mike @Fizzy @MichaelIP
i'm finding it very hard to pick a best answer
it really is a combination of your responces that has helped me out
will do my best to pick one
hope i dont upset anyone
BTW how long does it take / when to get your own refferal code
as i said i have 4 accounts to do
and want to do it all on same day for simplicity of billing3 -
very odd
thats 2x now
that i write something
i can see it as a comment here
then when i refresh to see if there is an answer
my comment is gone
was there something in the message the system did not like5 -
im finding it hard to select the best
i dont want to upset anyone
you were all so helpful
could the issue be that i referenced your names3 -
This seems to be a new bug
Try to wait couples of seconds before leaving the page or refresh it
If your message trigger some spam rules you will see it6