4 accounts or 1 account with 4 plans?

we are a family of 4
what would be better
4 accounts or 1 account with 4 plans
there is a similar thread for 2 accounts
but the discussion is closed so i could not ask more questions
why are many people saying that 1 account is better
does 1 reward go to all 4 lines?
is it possible to have more details before i commit


  • Patrick C. #14966
    Patrick C. #14966 Posts: 79 ✭✭
    Thanks @Fizzy and @Mike
    you are confirming my thoughts
    i believed that 4 accounts was better
    i was aware of the 35/70 reward
    my confusion was others saying that 1 account was better
    and i just could not figure it out
    4 separate accounts takes a bit more effort but will be much more rewarding
    i realize i will need to "daisichain" the activation
    me > wife > son > daughter
    how long before i get my referal code to give to wife
    then repeat
    will my code show up as soon as i set my plan per account or only once the port is succesful
    id like all accounts active on same day to keep same billing date
  • Patrick C. #14966
    Patrick C. #14966 Posts: 79 ✭✭
    @Mike @Fizzy @MichaelIP
    i'm finding it very hard to pick a best answer
    it really is a combination of your responces that has helped me out
    will do my best to pick one
    hope i dont upset anyone
    BTW how long does it take / when to get your own refferal code
    as i said i have 4 accounts to do
    and want to do it all on same day for simplicity of billing
  • Patrick C. #14966
    Patrick C. #14966 Posts: 79 ✭✭
    im finding it hard to select the best
    i dont want to upset anyone
    you were all so helpful
    could the issue be that i referenced your names
This discussion has been closed.